Source code for sticky_pi_api.specifications

import datetime
import copy
import logging
import os
import json
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import or_, and_
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer as Serializer
from itsdangerous import BadSignature, SignatureExpired
# from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql
import sqlite3
import time

from sticky_pi_api.utils import json_io_converter, md5
from sticky_pi_api.database.utils import Base
from import DiskStorage, BaseStorage, S3Storage
from sticky_pi_api.configuration import BaseAPIConf
from sticky_pi_api.database.images_table import Images
from sticky_pi_api.database.uid_annotations_table import UIDAnnotations
from sticky_pi_api.types import InfoType, MetadataType, AnnotType, List, Union, Dict, Any, Tuple
from sticky_pi_api.database.utils import BaseCustomisations
from sticky_pi_api.database.users_tables import Users
from sticky_pi_api.database.tuboid_series_table import TuboidSeries
from sticky_pi_api.database.tiled_tuboids_table import TiledTuboids
from sticky_pi_api.database.itc_labels_table import ITCLabels
from sticky_pi_api.database.uid_intents_table import UIDIntents
from sticky_pi_api.database.projects_table import Projects
from sticky_pi_api.database.project_permissions_table import ProjectPermissions
from sticky_pi_api.utils import datetime_to_string

from sticky_pi_api.utils import chunker, json_inputs_to_python, json_out_parser
from decorate_all_methods import decorate_all_methods
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# this decorator ensures json inputs are formated as python objects
[docs]@decorate_all_methods(json_inputs_to_python, exclude=['__init__', '_put_new_images', '_put_tiled_tuboids']) class BaseAPISpec(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_images(self, info: InfoType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves information about a given set of images, defined by their parent device and the datetime of the picture. *If an image is not available, no data is returned for this image*. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, keys: ``'device'`` and ``'datetime'`` :param what: The nature of the objects to retrieve. One of {``'metadata'``, ``'image'``, ``'thumbnail'``, ``'thumbnail-mini'``} :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database plus a ``'url'`` fields to retrieve the actual object requested (i.e. the ``what``) argument. In the case of ``what='metadata'``, ``url=''`` (i.e. no url is generated). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_images(self, info: MetadataType, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): """ #fixme. this is false. it now takes a set of images as returned by get_images Delete a set of images, defined by their parent device and the datetime of the picture. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, keys: ``'device'`` and ``'datetime'`` :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each deleted image. """ pass
# fixme should be called series?
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_tiled_tuboids(self, info: InfoType, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Delete a set of tiled tuboids series, defined by their parent device, start a datetime. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, keys: ``'device'``, ``'start_datetime'`` and ``'end_datetime'`` :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each deleted image. """ pass
@abstractmethod def _put_new_images(self, files: Dict[str, str], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Uploads a set of client image files to the API. The user would use ``BaseClient.put_images(files)``, which first discovers which files are to be uploaded for incremental upload. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :param files: A dictionary of path to client files as keys, and their MD5sum as values :return: The metadata of the files that were actually uploaded """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_image_series(self, info, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves image sequences (i.e. series). A series contains all images from a given device within a datetime range. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, the keys: ``'device'``, ``'start_datetime'`` and ``'end_datetime'``. ``device`` is interpreted to the MySQL like operator. For instance,one can match all devices with ``device="%"``. :param what: The nature of the objects to retrieve. One of {``'metadata'``, ``'image'``, ``'thumbnail'``, ``'thumbnail-mini'``} :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database plus a ``'url'`` fields to retrieve the actual object requested (i.e. the ``what``) argument. In the case of ``what='metadata'``, ``url=''`` (i.e. no url is generated). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_images_to_annotate(self, info, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves images to annotate by the UID. Will reserve these images for 60min. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, the keys: ``'algo_name'``, ``'algo_version'``,``'device'``, ``'start_datetime'`` and ``'end_datetime'``. ``device`` is interpreted to the MySQL like operator. For instance,one can match all devices with ``device="%"``. This can be used to subset the images to annotate :param what: The nature of the objects to retrieve. One of {``'metadata'``, ``'image'``, ``'thumbnail'``, ``'thumbnail-mini'``} :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database plus a ``'url'`` fields to retrieve the actual object requested (i.e. the ``what``) argument. In the case of ``what='metadata'``, ``url=''`` (i.e. no url is generated). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def put_uid_annotations(self, info: AnnotType, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ :param info: A list of dictionaries corresponding to annotations (one list element per image). The annotations are formatted as a dictionaries with two keys: ``'annotations'`` and ``'metadata'``. * ``'metadata'`` must have the fields: * ``'algo_name'``: the name of the algorithm used to find the object (e.g. ``'sticky-pi-universal-insect-detector'``) * ``'algo_version'``: The version of the algorithm as `timestamp-md5` (e.g. ``'1598113346-ad2cd78dfaca12821046dfb8994724d5'``) * ``'device'``: The device that took the annotated image (e.g. ``'5c173ff2'``) * ``'datetime'``: The datetime at which the image was taken (e.g. ``'2020-06-20_21-33-24'``) * ``'md5'``: The md5 of the image that was analysed (e.g. ``'9e6e908d9c29d332b511f8d5121857f8'``) * ``'annotations'`` is a list where each element represent an object. It has the fields: * ``'contour'``: a 3d array encoding the position of the vertices (as convention in OpenCV) * ``'name'``: the name/type of the object (e.g. ``'insect'``) * ``'fill_colour'`` and ``'stroke_colour'``: the colours of the contour (if it is to be drawn -- e.g. ``'#0000ff'``) * ``'value'``: an optional integer further describing the contour (e.g. ``1``) :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: The metadata of the uploaded annotations (i.e. a list od dicts. each field of the dict naming a column in the database). This corresponds to the annotation data as represented in ``UIDAnnotations`` """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_uid_annotations(self, info: InfoType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves annotations for a given set of images. :param info: A list of dict with keys: ``'device'`` and ``'datetime'`` :param what: The nature of the object to retrieve. One of {``'metadata'``, ``'json'``}. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database table (see ``UIDAnnotations``). In the case of ``what='metadata'``, the field ``json=''``. Otherwise, it contains a json string with the actual annotation data. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_uid_annotations_series(self, info: InfoType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves annotations for a given set of images. :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, the keys: ``'device'``, ``'start_datetime'`` and ``'end_datetime'``. ``device`` is interpreted to the MySQL like operator. :param what: The nature of the object to retrieve. One of {``'metadata'``, ``'json'``}. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database table (see ``UIDAnnotations``). In the case of ``what='metadata'``, the field ``json=''``. Otherwise, it contains a json string with the actual annotation data. """ pass
@abstractmethod def _put_tiled_tuboids(self, files: List[Dict[str, Union[Dict, str]]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Uploads a set of client tiled tuboid files to the API. The user would use ``BaseClient.put_tiled_tuboid(files)``. :param files: A list of dict. Each dict contains keys: * ``tuboid_id``: a formatted string describing the tuboid series and tuboid id e.g. ``08038ade.2020-07-08_20-00-00.2020-07-09_15-00-00.0002`` * ``series_info``: a dictionary with information regarding the series the tuboid belong to. I.e. keys ``'algo_name'``, ``'algo_version'``, ``'start_datetime'``, ``'end_datetime'``, ``'device'`` * ``metadata``: the path to a comma-separated files that contains metadata for each tuboid shot, or a file-like object * ``tuboid``: the path to a tiled jpg containing (some of) the shots described in metadata, in the same order, or a file-like object * ``context``: the path to an illustration (jpg) of the detected object highlighted in the whole image of the first shot, or a file-like object :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: The metadata of the files that were actually uploaded """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_tiled_tuboid_series(self, info: InfoType, what: str = "metadata", client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves tiled tuboids -- i.e. stitched annotations into a tile, where the assumption is one tuboid per instance. A series contains all tuboids fully contained within a range :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, the keys: ``'device'``, ``'start_datetime'`` and ``'end_datetime'``. ``device`` is interpreted to the MySQL like operator. For instance,one can match all devices with ``device="%"``. :param what: The nature of the objects to retrieve, either ``'data'`` or ``'metadata'``. ``'metadata'`` will not add the extra three fields mapping the files to the results :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database plus the fields ``'metadata'``, ``'tuboid'`` and ``'context'`` fields, which have a url to fetch the relevant file. """ pass
@abstractmethod def _get_itc_labels(self, info: List[Dict], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves labels for a given set of tiled tuboid :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :param info: A list of dict with key: ``'tuboid_id'`` :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database table (see ``ITCLabels``). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def put_itc_labels(self, info: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: """ Stores labels for a given set of tiled tuboid :param info: A list of dict with keys: ``'tuboid_id'``, ``'label'``, ``'pattern'``, ``'algo_version'``and ``'algo_name'`` (see ``ITCLabels``). :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: the field corresponding to the labels that were submitted """ pass
@abstractmethod def _get_ml_bundle_file_list(self, info: str, what: str = "all", client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[ Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: """ Get a list of file for a given ML Bundle. A ML bundle contains files necessary to train and run a ML training/inference (data, configs and model). :param info: the name of the machine learning bundle to fetch the files from :param what: One of {``'all'``, ``'data'``,``'model'`` }, to return all files, only the training data(training), or only the model (inference), respectively. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of dict containing the fields ``key``, ``url`` and ``mtime`` of the files to be downloaded, which can be used to download the files """ pass @abstractmethod def _get_ml_bundle_upload_links(self, info: List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> \ List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: """ Ask the client for a list of upload url for the files described in info. :param info: a list of dict with fields {``bundle_name``,``'key'``, ``'md5'``, ``'mtime'``}. ``'key'`` is the file path, relative to the storage root (e.g. ``data/mydata.jpg``). ``bundle_name`` is the name of the machine learning bundle to fetch the files from :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: The same list of dictionaries as ``info``, with an extra field pointing to a destination url ``'url'``, where the client can then upload their data. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_users(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] = None, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get a list of API users. Either all users (Default), or filter users by field if ``info`` is specified. In the latter case, the union of all matched users is returned. :param info: A dictionary acting as a filter, using an SQL like-type match. For instance ``{'username': '%'}`` return all users. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of users as represented in the underlying database, as one dictionary [per user, with the keys being database column names. Note that the crypo/sensitive fields are not returned (e.g. password_hash) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def put_users(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Add a list of users defined by a dict of proprieties. :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'username'``, ``'password'``}, and optionally: {``'email'``, ``'is_admin'``}, :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of dictionaries describing the users that were created """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_users(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] , client_info: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Delete list of API users. Either all users (Default), or filter users by field if ``info`` is specified. In the latter case, the union of all matched users is returned. :param info: A dictionary acting as a filter, using an SQL like-type match. For instance ``{'username': '%'}`` return all users. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of users that were deleted, as represented in the underlying database, minus the cryptographic information """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_token(self, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]: """ A authentication token for a user. injection in this function. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: a dictionary with the keys ``'token'`` and ``'expiration'``, an ascii formatted token, and expiration timestamp, respectively """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_projects(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] = None, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get a list of API monitoring projects. Either all projects (Default), or filter users by field if ``info`` is specified. In the latter case, the union of all matched users is returned. Only projects for which the user has read permission are returned. Admins users automatically have admin access to all projects. :param info: A dictionary acting as a filter, using an SQL like-type match. For instance ``{'name': '%'}`` return all projects. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of projects as represented in the underlying database, as one dictionary """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def put_projects(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Add a list of projects defined by a dict of proprieties. :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'name'``, ``'description'``} :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of dictionaries describing the projects that were created """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_projects(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get a list of API monitoring projects. Either all projects (Default), or filter users by field if ``info`` is specified. In the latter case, the union of all matched users is returned. Only projects for which the user has read permission are returned. Admins users automatically have admin access to all projects. :param info: A dictionary acting as a filter, using an SQL like-type match. For instance ``{'name': '%'}`` return all projects. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: a list representing the deleted projects. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_project_permissions(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] = None, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[ Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get the permissions for a given project, filtered by the same fields as ``get_projects``, i.e. {``'name'``,``'description'``, ... }. levels are 1,2,3 for read, read/write and read/write/admin :param info: A dictionary acting as a filter, using an SQL like-type match. For instance ``{'name': '%'}`` return all projects. :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of project permissions as represented in the underlying database, as one dictionary """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def put_project_permissions(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Add permissions to a given project by a dict of proprieties. :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'project_id'``, ``'user_id'``, ``'level'``} :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of dictionaries describing the project permisions that were created """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def put_project_series(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Add series to a project. series are defined st least with ``'device'``, ``'start_datetime'``, ``'end_datetime'``. In addition, each series may contain values for project series columns, which are nullable. Series can also be updated if the explicit ``'id'`` is provided. :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has, at least, the fields {``'project_id'``, ``'device'``, ``'start_datetime'``, ``'end_datetime'``} :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of dictionaries describing the series added, as represented in the underlying database. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_project_series(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[ Dict[str, Any]]: """ Delete project series by ID :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'project_id'``, ``'id'``} :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: a list representing the deleted series. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def put_project_columns(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[ Dict[str, Any]]: """ Add or update a column to a project series table. If ``'old_column_name'`` is defined, then this call will rename the old column. Requires write permission for this project :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'project_id'``, ``'column_name'``, ``'column_SQL_type'``, ``'old_column_name'``} :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: A list of columns that were added {`'column_name'``, ``'column_SQL_type'``} """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_project_columns(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[ Dict[str, Any]]: """ Delete a column from a project series. Requires admin rights for this project :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'project_id'``, ``'column_name'``} :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` :return: the name of the columns that were indeed deleted """ pass
# @abstractmethod # def put_project_series_metadata(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # """ # Add columns to project series # # :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'project_id'``,``'name'``, ``'type'``}, # where type is and SQLTYPE # :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` # :return: A list of dictionaries describing the projects that were created # """ # pass # # @abstractmethod # def put_project_series_columns(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # """ # Add columns with a specific name and sql type to a given project series # # :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'name'``, ``'sql_type'``} # :param client_info: optional information about the client/user contains key ``'username'`` # :return: A list of dictionaries describing the users that were created # """ # pass
[docs]@decorate_all_methods(json_inputs_to_python, exclude=['__init__', '_put_new_images', '_put_tiled_tuboids']) class BaseAPI(BaseAPISpec, ABC): _storage_class = BaseStorage _get_image_chunk_size = 64 # the maximal number of images to request from the database in one go def __init__(self, api_conf: BaseAPIConf, *args, **kwargs): # super().__init__() self._configuration = api_conf self._storage = self._storage_class(api_conf=api_conf, *args, **kwargs) self._db_engine = self._create_db_engine() Base.metadata.create_all(self._db_engine, Base.metadata.tables.values(), checkfirst=True) self._engine_specific_hooks() self._serializer = Serializer(self._configuration.SECRET_API_KEY) @abstractmethod def _create_db_engine(self, *args, **kwargs) -> sqlalchemy.engine.Engine: pass @abstractmethod def _engine_specific_hooks(self): pass def _put_new_images(self, files: Dict[str, str], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() origin = time.time() out = [] try: # store the uploaded images # for each image for f, md5 in files.items(): # We parse the image file to make to its own DB object api_user_id = client_info['id'] if client_info is not None else None im = Images(f, api_user_id=api_user_id) out.append(im.to_dict()) session.add(im) if md5: assert im.md5 == md5, f"MD5 of uploaded image {im.filename} does not match the reference: {md5}" else: logging.warning(f"No md5 provided for {im.filename}") # try to store images, only commit if storage worked. # rollback otherwise try: self._storage.store_image_files(im) session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() logging.error("Storage Error. Failed to store image %s" % im) # logging.error(e) raise e finally: session.close() return out def _put_tiled_tuboids(self, files: List[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict]]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): # fixme return type session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: # store the uploaded images out = [] # for each tuboid while len(files) > 0: data = files.pop() # We parse the tuboid data as an entry api_user_id = client_info['id'] if client_info is not None else None ts = TuboidSeries(data['series_info']) q = session.query(TuboidSeries).filter(TuboidSeries.start_datetime == ts.start_datetime, TuboidSeries.end_datetime == ts.end_datetime, TuboidSeries.device == ts.device, TuboidSeries.algo_name == ts.algo_name, TuboidSeries.algo_version == ts.algo_version ) # we add this series if it does not exist if q.count() == 0:'Adding new tuboid series %s' % ts) session.add(ts) session.commit() files += [data] return self._put_tiled_tuboids(files, client_info) else: ts = q.first()'Using tuboid series %s' % ts) tub = TiledTuboids(data, parent_tuboid_series=ts, api_user_id=api_user_id) q = session.query(TiledTuboids).filter(TiledTuboids.parent_series_id == if not (q.count() < ts.n_tuboids): raise IntegrityError( 'Cannot add more tuboids to parent series %s. Already all of them are there' % ts, None, None) assert tub.start_datetime >= ts.start_datetime, 'tuboid starts before its parent series' assert tub.end_datetime <= ts.end_datetime, 'tuboid ends after its parent series' session.add(tub) # try to store images, only commit if storage worked. # rollback otherwise try: self._storage.store_tiled_tuboid(data) session.commit() out.append(tub.to_dict()) except Exception as e: session.rollback() logging.error("Storage Error. Failed to store tuboid %s" % tub) logging.error(e) raise e return out finally: session.close() def _get_ml_bundle_file_list(self, info: str, what: str = "all", client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> \ List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: return self._storage.get_ml_bundle_file_list(info, what) def _get_ml_bundle_upload_links(self, info: List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> \ List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: new_info = {} for i in info: bundle = i['bundle_name'] if bundle not in new_info.keys(): new_info[bundle] = [] new_info[bundle].append(i) out = [] for bundle_name, info in new_info.items(): out += self._storage.get_ml_bundle_upload_links(bundle_name, info) return out @abstractmethod def _columns_name_types(self, table: BaseCustomisations): pass @abstractmethod def _sql_select_fields(self, col_name_types: List[Tuple[str, str]], make_filename: bool = True): pass @abstractmethod def _sql_in_tuples(self, field_names: Tuple, tuple_list: List[Tuple]): pass
[docs] def get_images(self, info: MetadataType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): colnames = self._columns_name_types(Images) sql_select = self._sql_select_fields(colnames, make_filename=True) out = [] # for i, info_chunk in enumerate(chunker(info, self._get_image_chunk_size)): session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: matches = [tuple((str(inf['datetime']), inf['device'])) for inf in info] condition = self._sql_in_tuples(('SUBSTR(datetime, 1, 19)', 'device'), matches) full_query = f"SELECT {sql_select} FROM {Images.table_name()} WHERE {condition}" # performance difference?! #full_query = full_query.replace('%', '%%') # with self._db_engine.connect() as connection: full_results = session.execute(full_query) for row in full_results: img_dict = dict(row) img_dict["url"] = self._storage.get_url_for_image(img_dict, what=what) del img_dict["filename"] out.append(img_dict) finally: session.close() return self._manual_output_handler(out)
[docs] def get_image_series(self, info: MetadataType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None, filter_by_intent=False): session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: out = [] colnames = self._columns_name_types(Images) sql_select = self._sql_select_fields(colnames, make_filename=True) for i in info: conditions = [f"datetime >= \"{str(i['start_datetime'])}\"", f"datetime < \"{str(i['end_datetime'])}\"", f"device like \"{i['device']}\""] # f"device like \"{i['device'].replace('%', '%')}\""] full_query = f"SELECT {sql_select} FROM {Images.table_name()} WHERE {' AND '.join(conditions)}" img_dict = None # with self._db_engine.connect() as connection: full_results = session.execute(full_query) for row in full_results: img_dict = dict(row) img_dict["url"] = self._storage.get_url_for_image(img_dict, what=what) del img_dict["filename"] out.append(img_dict) if img_dict is None: logging.warning('No data for series %s' % str(i)) finally: session.close() return self._manual_output_handler(out)
[docs] def get_images_to_annotate(self, info: MetadataType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): out = [] min_timestamp = UIDIntents.min_intent_timestamp() max_requested_images = UIDIntents.max_requested_images() colnames = self._columns_name_types(Images) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: ## 1 delete intents before this q = session.query(UIDIntents).filter(UIDIntents.datetime_created < min_timestamp) for intent in q: session.delete(intent) session.commit() sql_select = self._sql_select_fields(colnames, make_filename=True) for i in info: algo_name = i["algo_name"] algo_version = i["algo_version"] conditions = [f"datetime >= \"{str(i['start_datetime'])}\"", f"datetime < \"{str(i['end_datetime'])}\"", f"device like \"{i['device']}\""] # f"device like \"{i['device'].replace('%', '%%')}\""] full_query = f"SELECT {sql_select} FROM {Images.table_name()} WHERE {' AND '.join(conditions)} " \ f"AND id NOT IN (SELECT parent_image_id FROM {UIDIntents.table_name()}) " \ f"AND id NOT IN (SELECT parent_image_id FROM {UIDAnnotations.table_name()} WHERE algo_name = '{algo_name}' AND algo_version >= '{algo_version}') " \ f"LIMIT {UIDIntents.max_requested_images()}" img_dict = None full_results = session.execute(full_query) for row in full_results: img_dict = dict(row) img_dict["url"] = self._storage.get_url_for_image(img_dict, what=what) del img_dict["filename"] out.append(img_dict) if img_dict is None: logging.warning('No data for series %s' % str(i)) out = out[0:max_requested_images] for o in out: api_user_id = client_info['id'] if client_info is not None else None intent = UIDIntents({"parent_image_id": o["id"]}, api_user_id=api_user_id) session.add(intent) session.commit() return self._manual_output_handler(out) finally: session.close()
[docs] def delete_images(self, info: MetadataType, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: # We fetch images by chunks: for i, info_chunk in enumerate(chunker(info, self._get_image_chunk_size)):"Deleting images... %i-%i / %i" % (i * self._get_image_chunk_size, i * self._get_image_chunk_size + len(info_chunk), len(info))) conditions = [and_(Images.datetime == inf['datetime'], Images.device == inf['device']) for inf in info_chunk] q = session.query(Images).filter(or_(*conditions)) for img in q: img_dict = img.to_dict() session.delete(img) try: self._storage.delete_image_files(img) session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() logging.error("Storage Error. Failed to delete image %s" % img) logging.error(e) raise e out.append(img_dict) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def put_uid_annotations(self, info: AnnotType, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): info = copy.deepcopy(info) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: all_annots = [] # for each image for data in info: json_str = json.dumps(data, default=json_io_converter) dic = data['metadata'] annotations = data['annotations'] n_objects = len(annotations) dic['json'] = json_str # fixme. here we should get multiple images in one go, prior to parsing annotations ? q = session.query(Images).filter(Images.datetime == dic['datetime'], Images.device == dic['device']) if q.count() == 0: raise ValueError("could not find parent image for %s" % str(dic)) if q.count() > 1: raise ValueError("<More than one parent image for %s" % str(dic)) parent_img = q.first() # dic['parent_image_id'] = parent_img["id"] dic['n_objects'] = n_objects if dic['md5'] != parent_img.md5: raise ValueError("Trying to add an annotation for %s, but md5 differ" % str(data)) dic['parent_image_id'] = annot = UIDAnnotations(dic) parent_img.uid_annotations.append(annot) all_annots.append(annot) session.add(annot) # session.commit() out = [] for annot in all_annots: o = annot.to_dict() o["json"] = "" out.append(o) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def get_uid_annotations(self, info: MetadataType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: for i, info_chunk in enumerate(chunker(info, self._get_image_chunk_size)):"Getting image annotations... %i-%i / %i" % (i * self._get_image_chunk_size, i * self._get_image_chunk_size + len(info_chunk), len(info))) conditions = [UIDAnnotations.parent_image.has(and_(Images.datetime == inf['datetime'], Images.device == inf['device'])) for inf in info_chunk] q = session.query(UIDAnnotations).filter(or_(*conditions)) for annots in q: annot_dict = annots.to_dict() if what == 'metadata': del annot_dict['json'] out.append(annot_dict) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def get_uid_annotations_series(self, info: MetadataType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): colnames = self._columns_name_types(UIDAnnotations) # does not query json data if only metadata are queried if what == 'metadata': colnames = [c for c in colnames if c[0] != "json"] sql_select = self._sql_select_fields(colnames, make_filename=False) out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: for i in info: conditions = [" = uid_annotations.parent_image_id", f"images.datetime >= \"{str(i['start_datetime'])}\"", f"images.datetime < \"{str(i['end_datetime'])}\"", # f"images.device like \"{i['device'].replace('%', '%%')}\""] f"images.device like \"{i['device']}\""] full_query = f"SELECT {sql_select} from {UIDAnnotations.table_name()} WHERE EXISTS (Select 1 FROM {Images.table_name()} WHERE {' AND '.join(conditions)}) " row_dict = None # with self._db_engine.connect() as connection: full_results = session.execute(full_query) for row in full_results: row_dict = dict(row) out.append(row_dict) if row_dict is None: logging.warning('No data for series %s' % str(i)) finally: session.close() return self._manual_output_handler(out)
[docs] def get_tiled_tuboid_series(self, info: InfoType, what: str = 'metadata', client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: out = [] assert what in ('data', 'metadata') info = copy.deepcopy(info) for i in info: q = session.query(TiledTuboids).filter(TiledTuboids.parent_series.has( and_(TuboidSeries.start_datetime >= i['start_datetime'], # here we need to include both bounds in case a tuboid ends just in between TuboidSeries.end_datetime <= i['end_datetime'],['device'])))) if q.count() == 0: logging.warning('No data for series %s' % str(i)) for tub in q.all(): tub_dict = tub.to_dict() if what == 'data': tub_dict.update(self._storage.get_urls_for_tiled_tuboids(tub_dict)) out.append(tub_dict) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def delete_tiled_tuboids(self, info: InfoType, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: out = [] info = copy.deepcopy(info) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: # We fetch images by chunks: for inf in info: q = session.query(TuboidSeries).filter(TuboidSeries.start_datetime >= inf['start_datetime'], TuboidSeries.end_datetime <= inf['end_datetime'],['device'])) for ts in q: img_dict = ts.to_dict() all_tuboids = [t for t in session.query(TiledTuboids).filter(TiledTuboids.parent_series_id ==] session.delete(ts) try: for tub in all_tuboids: self._storage.delete_tiled_tuboid_files(tub) session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() logging.error("Storage Error. Failed to delete series %s" % tub) logging.error(e) raise e out.append(img_dict) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def put_itc_labels(self, info: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: info = copy.deepcopy(info) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: out = [] # for each image for data in info: q = session.query(TiledTuboids).filter(TiledTuboids.tuboid_id == data['tuboid_id']) assert q.count() == 1, "No match for %s" % data data['parent_tuboid_id'] = q.first().id api_user_id = client_info['id'] if client_info is not None else None label = ITCLabels(data, api_user_id=api_user_id) out.append(label.to_dict()) session.add(label) session.commit() return out finally: session.close()
def _get_itc_labels(self, info: List[Dict], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> MetadataType: info = copy.deepcopy(info) out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: for i, info_chunk in enumerate(chunker(info, self._get_image_chunk_size)):"Getting tuboid label... %i-%i / %i" % (i * self._get_image_chunk_size, i * self._get_image_chunk_size + len(info_chunk), len(info))) # can be a single row tuboid_ids = [TiledTuboids.tuboid_id == j['tuboid_id'] for j in info_chunk] conditions = or_(*tuboid_ids) q = session.query(TiledTuboids).filter(conditions) parent_tuboid_ids = [ITCLabels.parent_tuboid_id == for r in q.all()] conditions = or_(*parent_tuboid_ids) q = session.query(ITCLabels).filter(conditions) for annots in q: out.append(annots.to_dict()) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def get_projects(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] = None, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] if info is None: info = [{'name': "%"}] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: for inf in info: conditions = [and_(getattr(Projects, k).like(inf[k]) for k in inf.keys())] if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: q = session.query(Projects).filter(*conditions) else: api_user_id = client_info['id'] q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter(*conditions). \ filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == api_user_id, ProjectPermissions.level > 0)) for project in q.all(): project_dict = project.to_dict() out.append(project_dict) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def delete_projects(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: for inf in info: conditions = [and_(getattr(Projects, k).like(inf[k]) for k in inf.keys())] if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter(*conditions) else: api_user_id = client_info['id'] q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter(*conditions). \ filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == api_user_id, ProjectPermissions.level > 2)) for project in q.all(): project_dict = project.to_dict() command = f"DROP TABLE {project.series_table_name()}" session.execute(command) session.delete(project) session.commit() out.append(project_dict) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def put_projects(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: info = copy.deepcopy(info) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: out = [] for data in info: api_user_id = client_info['id'] if client_info is not None else None project = Projects(**data, api_user_id=api_user_id) try: session.add(project) session.commit() if api_user_id is not None: permissions = {"parent_project_id":, "parent_user_id": api_user_id, "level": 3} project_permission = ProjectPermissions(**permissions, api_user_id=api_user_id) session.add(project_permission) else: logging.warning("Cannot create default permission for this project. No user id was provided") command = project.create_table_mysql_statement( == "sqlite") session.execute(command) session.commit() out.append(project.to_dict()) except Exception as e: session.rollback() raise e return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def get_project_permissions(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] = None, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[ Dict[str, Any]]: project_ids = set() out = [] if info is None: info = [{'name': "%"}] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: for inf in info: conditions = [and_(getattr(Projects, k).like(inf[k]) for k in inf.keys())] if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: q = session.query(Projects).filter(*conditions) else: api_user_id = client_info['id'] q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter(*conditions). \ filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == api_user_id, ProjectPermissions.level > 0)) for project in q.all(): project_ids.add( if len(project_ids) != 0: conditions = or_(*[ProjectPermissions.parent_project_id == p for p in project_ids]) q = session.query(ProjectPermissions).filter(conditions) for perm in q.all(): out.append(perm.to_dict()) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def put_project_permissions(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: info = copy.deepcopy(info) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: out = [] for i in info: q = session.query(Projects).filter( == i["project_id"]) projects = [p for p in q.all()] assert len(projects) == 1 project = projects[0] is_global_admin = False is_project_admin = False if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: is_global_admin = True if not is_global_admin: q = session.query(ProjectPermissions).filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_project_id ==, ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == client_info["id"])) permissions = [p for p in q.all()] assert len(permissions) == 1 perms = permissions[0] is_project_admin = perms.level > 2 assert is_project_admin or is_global_admin api_user_id = client_info['id'] args = {"parent_user_id": i["user_id"], "parent_project_id": i["project_id"], "level":i["level"]} perm = ProjectPermissions(api_user_id, **args) session.add(perm) out.append(perm.to_dict()) session.commit() return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def get_project_series(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] , client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() assert info is not None try: for inf in info: assert "project_id" in inf if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: q = session.query(Projects).filter( == inf["project_id"]) else: api_user_id = client_info['id'] q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter( == inf["project_id"]). \ filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == api_user_id, ProjectPermissions.level > 0)) projects = [p for p in q.all()] assert len(projects) == 1 command = f"SELECT * FROM {projects[0].series_table_name()}" q = session.execute(command) keys = q._metadata.keys for r in q: d = {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, r)} out.append(d) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def put_project_series(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() assert info is not None try: for inf in info: assert "project_id" in inf if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: q = session.query(Projects).filter( == inf["project_id"]) else: api_user_id = client_info['id'] q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter( == inf["project_id"]). \ filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == api_user_id, ProjectPermissions.level > 1)) projects = [p for p in q.all()] assert len(projects) == 1 table_name = projects[0].series_table_name() colnames, values = [], [] id = None for k,v in inf.items(): if k == "project_id": continue if k == "id": id = v continue colnames.append(k) if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): v = datetime.datetime.strftime(v, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') values.append(v) if id: set_statement = ", ".join([f'`{c}` = "{v}"' for c, v in zip(colnames, values)]) command = f" UPDATE {table_name} SET {set_statement} WHERE id = {id}" else: command = f" INSERT INTO {table_name} ({', '.join(colnames)}) VALUES {tuple(values)}" session.execute(command) session.commit() conditions = " AND ". join([f"`{c}` = '{v}'"for c, v in zip(colnames, values)]) command = f"SELECT * FROM {projects[0].series_table_name()} WHERE {conditions}" q = session.execute(command) keys = q._metadata.keys for r in q: d = {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, r)} out.append(d) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def delete_project_series(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[ Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() assert info is not None try: for inf in info: assert "project_id" in inf if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: q = session.query(Projects).filter( == inf["project_id"]) else: api_user_id = client_info['id'] q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter( == inf["project_id"]). \ filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == api_user_id, ProjectPermissions.level > 2)) projects = [p for p in q.all()] assert len(projects) == 1 table_name = projects[0].series_table_name() id = inf["id"] out.append(self.get_project_series([inf], client_info)[0]) command = f" DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE id = {id}" session.execute(command) session.commit() return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def put_project_columns(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> \ List[Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() assert info is not None try: for inf in info: assert "project_id" in inf assert "column_name" in inf assert "column_SQL_type" in inf or "old_column_name" in inf if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: q = session.query(Projects).filter( == inf["project_id"]) else: api_user_id = client_info['id'] q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter( == inf["project_id"]). \ filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == api_user_id, ProjectPermissions.level > 1)) projects = [p for p in q.all()] assert len(projects) == 1 table_name = projects[0].series_table_name() colname = inf["column_name"] if "old_column_name" in inf: old_colname = inf["old_column_name"] command = f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} RENAME COLUMN `{old_colname}` TO `{colname}` " coltype = None else: coltype = inf["column_SQL_type"] command = f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD `{colname}` {coltype}" session.execute(command) # o = session.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})") # for r in o: # print(r) out.append({"column_name": colname, "column_SQL_type": coltype }) session.commit() return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def delete_project_columns(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[ Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() assert info is not None try: for inf in info: assert "project_id" in inf assert "column_name" in inf if client_info is None or client_info['is_admin']: q = session.query(Projects).filter( == inf["project_id"]) else: api_user_id = client_info['id'] q = session.query(Projects).join(Projects.project_permissions).filter( == inf["project_id"]). \ filter(and_(ProjectPermissions.parent_user_id == api_user_id, ProjectPermissions.level > 2)) projects = [p for p in q.all()] assert len(projects) == 1 table_name = projects[0].series_table_name() command = f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} DROP COLUMN {inf['column_name']}" session.execute(command) out.append({"column_name": inf["column_name"], }) session.commit() return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def put_users(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: info = copy.deepcopy(info) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: out = [] for data in info: api_user_id = client_info['id'] if client_info is not None else None user = Users(**data, api_user_id=api_user_id) out.append(user.to_dict()) session.add(user) session.commit() out = self.get_users([{'username': o['username'] for o in out}]) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def get_users(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] = None, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] if info is None: info = [{'username': "%"}] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: for inf in info: conditions = [and_(getattr(Users, k).like(inf[k]) for k in inf.keys())] q = session.query(Users).filter(*conditions) for user in q.all(): user.password_hash = "***********" user_dict = user.to_dict() out.append(user_dict) return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def delete_users(self, info: List[Dict[str, str]] , client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: out = [] assert info is not None session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: for inf in info: conditions = [and_(getattr(Users, k).like(inf[k]) for k in inf.keys())] q = session.query(Users).filter(*conditions) for user in q.all(): user.password_hash = "***********" user_dict = user.to_dict() out.append(user_dict) session.delete(user) session.commit() return out finally: session.close()
[docs] def verify_password(self, username_or_token: str, password: str): session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() try: if not username_or_token: logging.warning('No such user or token `%s`' % username_or_token) return False try: data = self._serializer.loads(username_or_token, max_age=Users.token_expiration) user = session.query(Users).get(data['id']) except SignatureExpired: user = None # valid token, but expired except BadSignature: user = None # invalid token if not user: # try to authenticate with username/password user = session.query(Users).filter(Users.username == username_or_token).first() if not user: logging.warning('No such user: `%s`' % username_or_token) return False if not user.verify_password(password): logging.warning('Failed to authenticate `%s` with password' % username_or_token) return False return user.username finally: session.close()
def _make_db_session(self): return sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() # this is when serialisation is maually done for optimisation. In this case, the Local API will want to # reserialise into python compatible data (e.g. at this stage, dates are string already). # for the remote API, this method will just return its argument @abstractmethod def _manual_output_handler(self, out: Any): pass
# from # this allow cascade delete on sqlite3 # see
[docs]@event.listens_for(Engine, "connect") def set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection, connection_record): if not isinstance(dbapi_connection, sqlite3.Connection): return cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON") cursor.close()
[docs]class LocalAPI(BaseAPI): _storage_class = DiskStorage _database_filename = 'database.db' def _db_optimisations(self): "alter table uid_annotations change json json TEXT(4294000000) compressed;" def _create_db_engine(self): local_dir = self._configuration.LOCAL_DIR engine_url = "sqlite:///%s" % os.path.join(local_dir, self._database_filename) return sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_url, connect_args={"check_same_thread": False, 'timeout': 60}) def _make_db_session(self): return sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)(autoflush=False)
[docs] def get_token(self, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): return {'token': None, 'expiration': 0}
def _columns_name_types(self, table: BaseCustomisations): with self._db_engine.connect() as connection: q = "PRAGMA table_info(%s);" % \ table.table_name() result = connection.execute(q) out = [(r[1], r[2].lower()) for r in result] return out # return [(c_name, c_type) for c_name, c_type in result] def _sql_select_fields(self, col_name_types: List[Tuple[str, str]], make_filename: bool = False): cols = [] for c_name, c_type in col_name_types: if c_type == "datetime": cols.append(f'SUBSTR(REPLACE({c_name}, " ", "T"), 1, 19) || "Z" AS {c_name}') else: cols.append(c_name) if make_filename: cols.append( 'device || "." || REPLACE(SUBSTR(REPLACE(datetime, " ", "_"), 1, 19), ":", "-") || ".jpg"AS filename') out = ', '.join(cols) return out def _manual_output_handler(self, out: Any): json_a = json.dumps(out) out = json.loads(json_a, object_hook=json_out_parser) return out def _sql_in_tuples(self, field_names: Tuple, tuple_list: List[Tuple]): ors = [] for t in tuple_list: ands = " AND ".join([f"{f} = '{v}'" for f, v in zip(field_names, t)]) ands = f"({ands})" ors.append(ands) condition = " OR ".join(ors) return condition def _engine_specific_hooks(self): pass
[docs]class RemoteAPI(BaseAPI): _storage_class = S3Storage _get_image_chunk_size = 1024 # the maximal number of images to request from the database in one go def _manual_output_handler(self, out: Any): return out
[docs] def get_token(self, client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]: session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() username = client_info['username'] user = session.query(Users).filter(Users.username == username).first() token = user.generate_auth_token(self._configuration.SECRET_API_KEY) return token
[docs] def put_images(self, files: Dict[str, str], client_info: Dict[str, Any] = None): return self._put_new_images(files, client_info=client_info)
def _engine_specific_hooks(self): command = f"alter table {UIDAnnotations.table_name()} change json json TEXT(4294000000) compressed;" with self._db_engine.connect() as connection: connection.execute(command) def _columns_name_types(self, table: BaseCustomisations): with self._db_engine.connect() as connection: q = "select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name = '%s';" % \ table.table_name() result = connection.execute(q) return [(c_name, c_type) for c_name, c_type in result] def _sql_select_fields(self, col_name_types: List[Tuple[str, str]], make_filename: bool = False): cols = [] for c_name, c_type in col_name_types: if c_type == "datetime": cols.append(f'DATE_FORMAT({c_name}, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%SZ") AS {c_name}') elif c_type == "decimal": cols.append(f'CAST({c_name} as DOUBLE) AS {c_name}') else: cols.append(c_name) if make_filename: cols.append('concat(device, ".", DATE_FORMAT(datetime, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%i-%S"), ".jpg") AS filename') return ', '.join(cols) def _create_db_engine(self): engine_url = "mysql+mysqldb://%s:%s@%s/%s?charset=utf8mb4" % (self._configuration.MYSQL_USER, self._configuration.MYSQL_PASSWORD, self._configuration.MYSQL_HOST, self._configuration.MYSQL_DATABASE ) # fixme echo = False for production # return sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_url, pool_recycle=3600, echo=True) return sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_url, pool_recycle=3600) def _sql_in_tuples(self, field_names: Tuple, tuple_list: List[Tuple]): ins = [str(tuple(m)) for m in tuple_list] condition = f"({', '.join(field_names)}) in ({','.join(ins)})" return condition