Source code for sticky_pi_api.specifications

import copy
import logging
import os
import json
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import or_, and_
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sticky_pi_api.utils import string_to_datetime
from sticky_pi_api.database.utils import Base
from import DiskStorage, BaseStorage
from sticky_pi_api.configuration import BaseAPIConf
from sticky_pi_api.database.images_table import Images
from sticky_pi_api.database.uid_annotations_table import UIDAnnotations
from sticky_pi_api.types import InfoType, MetadataType, AnnotType, List, Union, Dict, Any
from sticky_pi_api.database.users_tables import Users

[docs]class BaseAPISpec(object): # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pass
[docs] def get_images(self, info: InfoType, what: str = 'metadata') -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves information about a given set of images, defined by their parent device and the datetime of the picture. *If an image is not available, no data is returned for this image*. :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, keys: ``'device'`` and ``'datetime'`` :param what: The nature of the objects to retrieve. One of {``'metadata'``, ``'image'``, ``'thumbnail'``, ``'thumbnail_mini'``} :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database plus a ``'url'`` fields to retrieve the actual object requested (i.e. the ``what``) argument. In the case of ``what='metadata'``, ``url=''`` (i.e. no url is generated). """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _put_new_images(self, files: List[str]) -> MetadataType: """ Uploads a set of client image files to the API. The user would use ``BaseClient.put_images(files)``, which first discovers which files are to be uploaded for incremental upload. :param files: A list of path to client files :return: The metadata of the files that were actually uploaded """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_image_series(self, info, what: str = 'metadata') -> MetadataType: """ Retrieves image sequences (i.e. series). A series contains all images from a given device within a datetime range. :param info: A list of dicts. each dicts has, at least, the keys: ``'device'``, ``'start_datetime'`` and ``'end_datetime'``. ``device`` is interpreted to the MySQL like operator. For instance,one can match all devices with ``device="%"``. :param what: The nature of the objects to retrieve. One of {``'metadata'``, ``'image'``, ``'thumbnail'``, ``'thumbnail_mini'``} :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database plus a ``'url'`` fields to retrieve the actual object requested (i.e. the ``what``) argument. In the case of ``what='metadata'``, ``url=''`` (i.e. no url is generated). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def put_uid_annotations(self, info: AnnotType) -> MetadataType: """ :param info: A list of dictionaries corresponding to annotations (one list element per image). The annotations are formatted as a dictionaries with two keys: ``'annotations'`` and ``'metadata'``. * ``'metadata'`` must have the fields: * ``'algo_name'``: the name of the algorithm used to find the object (e.g. ``'sticky-pi-universal-insect-detector'``) * ``'algo_version'``: The version of the algorithm as `timestamp-md5` (e.g. ``'1598113346-ad2cd78dfaca12821046dfb8994724d5'``) * ``'device'``: The device that took the annotated image (e.g. ``'5c173ff2'``) * ``'datetime'``: The datetime at which the image was taken (e.g. ``'2020-06-20_21-33-24'``) * ``'md5'``: The md5 of the image that was analysed (e.g. ``'9e6e908d9c29d332b511f8d5121857f8'``) * ``'annotations'`` is a list where each element represent an object. It has the fields: * ``'contour'``: a 3d array encoding the position of the vertices (as convention in OpenCV) * ``'name'``: the name/type of the object (e.g. ``'insect'``) * ``'fill_colour'`` and ``'stroke_colour'``: the colours of the contour (if it is to be drawn -- e.g. ``'#0000ff'``) * ``'value'``: an optional integer further describing the contour (e.g. ``1``) :return: The metadata of the uploaded annotations (i.e. a list od dicts. each field of the dict naming a column in the database). This corresponds to the annotation data as represented in ``UIDAnnotations`` """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_uid_annotations(self, info: InfoType, what: str = 'metadata') -> MetadataType: """ Reteives annotations for a given set of images. :param info: A list of dict with keys: ``'device'`` and ``'datetime'`` :param what: The nature of the object to retrieve. One of {``'metadata'``, ``'json'``}. :return: A list of dictionaries with one element for each queried value. Each dictionary contains the fields present in the underlying database table (see ``UIDAnnotations``). In the case of ``what='metadata'``, the field ``json=''``. Otherwise, it contains a json string with the actual annotation data. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_ml_bundle_file_list(self, bundle_name: str, what: str = "all") -> List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: """ Get a list of file for a given ML Bundle. A ML bundle contains files necessary to train and run a ML training/inference (data, configs and model). :param bundle_name: the name of the machine learning buncle to fetch the files from :param what: One of {``'all'``, ``'data'``,``'model'`` }, to return all files, only the training data(training), or only the model (inference), respectively. :return: A list of dict containing the fields ``key`` and ``url`` of the files to be downloaded, which can be used to download the files """ raise NotImplementedError() def _get_ml_bundle_upload_links(self, bundle_name: str, info: List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]) -> \ List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: """ Ask the client for a list of upload url for the files described in info. :param bundle_name: the name of the machine learning bundle to fetch the files from :param info: a list of dict with fields {``'key'``, ``'md5'``, ``'mtime'``}. ``'key'`` is the file path, relative to the storage root (e.g. ``data/mydata.jpg``) :return: The same list of dictionaries as ``info``, with an extra field pointing to a destination url ``'url'``, where the client can then upload their data. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_users(self, info: Dict[str, str] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get a list of API users. Either all users (Default), or filter users by field if ``info`` is specified. In the latter case, the union of all matched users is returned. :param info: A dictionary acting as a filter, using an SQL like-type match. For instance ``{'username': '%'}`` return all users. :return: A list of users as represented in the underlying database, as one dictionary [per user, with the keys being database column names. Note that the crypo/sensitive fields are not returned (e.g. password_hash) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def put_users(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Add a list of users defined by a dict of proprieties. :param info: A list of dictionary each dictionary has the fields {``'username'``, ``'password'``}, and optionally: {``'email'``, ``'is_admin'``,``'model'`` }, :return: A list of dictionaries describing the users that were created """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class BaseAPI(BaseAPISpec): _storage_class = BaseStorage def __init__(self, api_conf: BaseAPIConf, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._configuration = api_conf self._storage = self._storage_class(api_conf = api_conf, *args, **kwargs) self._db_engine = self._create_db_engine() Base.metadata.create_all(self._db_engine, Base.metadata.tables.values(), checkfirst=True) def _create_db_engine(self, *args, **kwargs) -> sqlalchemy.engine.Engine: raise NotImplementedError() def _put_new_images(self, files: List[str]): session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() # store the uploaded images out = [] # for each image for f in files: # We parse the image file to make to its own DB object im = Images(f) out.append(im.to_dict()) session.add(im) # try to store images, only commit if storage worked. # rollback otherwise try: self._storage.store_image_files(im) session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() logging.error("Storage Error. Failed to store image %s" % im) logging.error(e) raise e return out def _get_ml_bundle_file_list(self, bundle_name: str, what: str = "all") -> List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: return self._storage.get_ml_bundle_file_list(bundle_name, what) def _get_ml_bundle_upload_links(self, bundle_name: str, info: List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]) -> \ List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: return self._storage.get_ml_bundle_upload_links(bundle_name, info)
[docs] def put_uid_annotations(self, info: AnnotType): info = copy.deepcopy(info) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() out = [] # for each image for data in info: json_str = json.dumps(data) dic = data['metadata'] annotations = data['annotations'] n_objects = len(annotations) dic['json'] = json_str parent_img_list = self.get_images([dic]) if len(parent_img_list) != 1: raise ValueError("could not find parent image for %s" % str(dic)) parent_img = parent_img_list[0] dic['parent_image_id'] = parent_img["id"] dic['n_objects'] = n_objects if dic['md5'] != parent_img['md5']: raise ValueError("Trying to add an annotation for %s, but md5 differ" % str(data)) annot = UIDAnnotations(dic) o = annot.to_dict() o["json"] = "" out.append(o) session.add(annot) session.commit() return out
[docs] def get_uid_annotations(self, info: MetadataType, what: str = 'metadata'): images = self.get_images(info) image_ids = [ == img['id'] for img in images] session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() conditions = or_(*image_ids) q = session.query( out = [] parent_img_ids = [i[0] for i in q.all()] q = session.query(UIDAnnotations).filter(UIDAnnotations.parent_image_id.in_(parent_img_ids)) # q = session.query(UIDAnnotations) for annots in q: annot_dict = annots.to_dict() if what == 'metadata': del annot_dict['json'] elif what == 'data': pass else: raise ValueError("Unexpected `what` argument: %s. Should be in {'metadata', 'data'}") out.append(annot_dict) return out
[docs] def get_images(self, info: MetadataType, what: str = 'metadata'): out = [] info = copy.deepcopy(info) for i in info: i['datetime'] = string_to_datetime(i['datetime']) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() # we can fetch all images at once conditions = [and_(Images.datetime == i['datetime'], Images.device == i['device']) for i in info] q = session.query(Images).filter(or_(*conditions)) for img in q: img_dict = img.to_dict() img_dict['url'] = self._storage.get_url_for_image(img, what) out.append(img_dict) #todo here, check wether requested images all exist in db. (in the case we ask for more than metadata) # for i in info: # q = session.query(Images).filter(Images.datetime == i['datetime'], Images.device == i['device']) # if q.count() == 1: # img = # img_dict = img.to_dict() # img_dict['url'] = self._storage.get_url_for_image(img, what) # out.append(img_dict) # # elif q.count() > 1: # raise Exception("more than one match for %s" % i) # # warn when trying to retrieve the URL of an image that does not exist # # "metadata" to be used when diffing to see if data exists in db # elif what != "metadata": # logging.warning("No image for %s at %s" % (i['device'], i['datetime'])) return out
[docs] def get_image_series(self, info: MetadataType, what: str = 'metadata'): session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() out = [] info = copy.deepcopy(info) for i in info: i['start_datetime'] = string_to_datetime(i['start_datetime']) i['end_datetime'] = string_to_datetime(i['end_datetime']) for i in info: q = session.query(Images).filter(Images.datetime >= i['start_datetime'], Images.datetime < i['end_datetime'],['device'])) if q.count() == 0: logging.warning('No data for series %s' % str(i)) #raise Exception("more than one match for %s" % i) for img in q.all(): img_dict = img.to_dict() img_dict['url'] = self._storage.get_url_for_image(img, what) out.append(img_dict) # warn when trying to retrieve the URL of an image that does not exist # "metadata" to be used when diffing to see if data exists in db # elif what != "metadata": # logging.warning("No image for %s at %s" % (i['device'], i['datetime'])) return out
[docs] def put_users(self, info: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: info = copy.deepcopy(info) session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() out = [] for data in info: user = Users(**data) out.append(user.to_dict()) user.hash_password(data["password"]) session.add(user) session.commit() return out
[docs] def get_users(self, info: Dict[str, str] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if info is None: info = {} session = sessionmaker(bind=self._db_engine)() out = [] conditions = [and_(getattr(Users, i).like(info[i]) for i in info.keys())] q = session.query(Users).filter(or_(*conditions)) for user in q.all(): user.password_hash = "***********" user_dict = user.to_dict() out.append(user_dict) return out
[docs]class LocalAPI(BaseAPI): _storage_class = DiskStorage _database_filename = 'database.db' def _create_db_engine(self): local_dir = self._configuration.LOCAL_DIR engine_url = "sqlite:///%s" % os.path.join(local_dir, self._database_filename) return sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_url)
# TODO here implement a mysql connection # class Remote(BaseAPI): # _storage_class = #TODO s3 Storage # _database_filename = 'database.db' # # def _create_db_engine(self, local_dir): # engine_url = "sqlite:///%s" % os.path.join(local_dir, self._database_filename) # return sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_url)