Source code for

import os
import logging
from sticky_pi_api.types import List, Dict, Union
from sticky_pi_api.database.images_table import Images
from sticky_pi_api.utils import local_bundle_files_info
from sticky_pi_api.configuration import LocalAPIConf, BaseAPIConf

[docs]class BaseStorage(object): def __init__(self, api_conf: BaseAPIConf, *args, **kwargs): self._api_conf = api_conf
[docs] def get_ml_bundle_file_list(self, bundle_name: str, what: str = "all") -> List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: """ List and describes the files present in a ML bundle. :param bundle_name: the name of the machine learning bundle to fetch the files from :param what: One of {``'all'``, ``'data'``,``'model'`` }, to return all files, only the training data(training), or only the model (inference), respectively. :return: A list of dict containing the fields ``key`` and ``url`` of the files to be downloaded, which can be used to download the files """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def store_image_files(self, image: Images) -> None: """ Saves the files corresponding to a an image. Those are generally the original JPEG plus thumbnail and thumbnail-mini :param image: an image object """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_url_for_image(self, image: Images, what: str = 'metadata') -> str: """ Retrieves the URL to the file corresponding to an image in the database. :param image: an image object :param what: One of {``'metadata'``, ``'image'``, ``'thumbnail'``, ``'thumbnail_mini'``} :return: a url/path as a string. For ``what='metadata'``, an empty string is returned. for consistency """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DiskStorage(BaseStorage): _raw_images_dirname = 'raw_images' _ml_storage_dirname = 'ml' def __init__(self, api_conf: LocalAPIConf, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(api_conf, *args, **kwargs) self._local_dir = self._api_conf.LOCAL_DIR assert os.path.isdir(self._local_dir)
[docs] def store_image_files(self, image: Images) -> None: target = os.path.join(self._local_dir, self._raw_images_dirname, image.device, image.filename) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target), exist_ok=True) with open(target, 'wb') as f: f.write(image.file_blob) + ".thumbnail", format='jpeg') + ".thumbnail_mini", format='jpeg')
[docs] def get_url_for_image(self, image: Images, what: str = 'metadata') -> str: if what == 'metadata': return "" url = os.path.join(self._local_dir, self._raw_images_dirname, image.device, image.filename) if what == "thumbnail": url += ".thumbnail" elif what == "thumbnail_mini": url += ".thumbnail_mini" elif what == "image": pass else: raise ValueError("Unexpected `what` argument: %s. Should be in {'metadata', 'image', 'thumbnail', 'thumbnail_mini'}") return url
[docs] def get_ml_bundle_file_list(self, bundle_name: str, what: str = "all") -> List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]: bundle_dir = os.path.join(self._local_dir, self._ml_storage_dirname, bundle_name) if not os.path.isdir(bundle_dir): logging.warning('No such ML bundle: %s' % bundle_name) return [] out = local_bundle_files_info(bundle_dir, what) for o in out: o['url'] = o['path'] return out
#todo # class S3Storage(BaseStorage): # pass